This game is supposed to be a fun and slightly challenging infinite runner game demo. I am still working on what could be included here.

This version has leaderboards enabled and now works on updated browsers.

There is a beer counter which causes effects to happen on the screen (more updates on that later).

Assets may change as I develop this further.

The music used is royalty-free, and the some sounds are provided by friend MrTomppa and some are recorded by me.


Playing the game:

Press the Space key to start and to jump, press the Space key or Up key to jump or Return key to restart game. 

- Added also mobile controls, try them out.

- There is also mute button at the top corner to mute music off.

After hitting the drunk guy, the game stops, and there is an option to type your name in the text input. After that, hover on Submit score text and press the Left mouse button to submit your score. Below the screen is a button to go to the leaderboards to see scores. Hover on Home icon or press the Right mouse button to see high scores.


I don't ask for money for this game but if you want to support this game, donations are welcome. :)

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